Fathers of American ingenuity: The best American inventors

Designing inventions today is certainly easier than it was a century or two ago. We have computer programs aiding design and conceptualization of inventions, websites like GoFundMe finding financial solutions, and safe and controlled testing environments. However, new inventions today don’t seem to have the same effect as the inventions of yesteryears. Besides the internet, there hasn’t been a new technology that has revolutionized industries the way the cotton gin or the Gutenberg press had done.

Looking back, Americans inventors have many contributions changing the course of history. Here are some of the best American inventors in history:

Benjamin Franklin
One of the founding fathers of the United States, Benjamin Franklin was a renaissance man. He was a politician, a postmaster, painter, author, and more importantly, a prolific inventor, making him a key figure in the age of American enlightenment. Some of his inventions include the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove.

Nikola Tesla
Arguably the greatest inventor of his time, Nikola Tesla was an electric engineer, a mechanical engineer, and a physicist. His greatest contribution to society was his design for the modern alternating current electricity supply system. Despite striking out financially by the end of his life, Tesla is regarded as the father of modern invention my many.

Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell is mostly credited for inventing the telephone. He also worked on hearing and speech research, leading to the invention of other hearing devices. Some of his later inventions include the photophone, metal detector, hydrofoil, and leaps in aeronotics.

Peter Zieve is an inventor with 50 patents under his name. He is also the CEO of Electroimpact, Inc., a highly-experienced aerospace automation company with an exceptional concentration of engineers. For similar reads, visit this website.